SensMat: Preventive solutions for Sensitive Materials of Cultural Heritage

The SensMat project, which has now been completed, is thus part of the development of connected artefacts for Cultural Heritage and we would like to pursue the development of our system until its industrialization.

During the implementation phase of the SensMat project, we have obtained excellent results that we would be able to use for the long-term preservation of both public and private collections. The “decision support” tools developed still need to be made more robust in order to become a marketable (“certified”) solution, as COVID has not allowed us to ” complete ” since 2019.

The market analysis that we had carried out and the feedback from users (partner museums) who benefited from the demonstrators confirm the potential of this solution. Every day we receive an average of ten requests from museums (large and small museums, insurers, etc.) to find out if the solution is marketable. In view of the growing interest in Europe and overseas from certain cultural actors for our results, we would like to continue our activities with new partners who could support us and allow the commercialisation of the solution (tools and service).

Some key partners of the SensMat consortium who are at the very end of the value chain of our project are very interested to continue.

Finally, the European Commission encourages us and allows us to keep the intelligent tools we have developed to operate our ten demonstrators in the cultural institutions with which we have collaborated in Europe, with access to the data maintained until 5 years after the end of the SensMat project, which represents an asset and would be instrumental in “going further”.



The system developed during the SensMat project consists of:

  • A network of connected sensors that measures various environmental parameters (temperature, humidity, luminosity, vibration, etc.);
  • An information system in the cloud that allows to:
  1. collect and structure the data from the sensors and thus monitor the environmental conditions around the cultural artefacts
  2. maintain a knowledge base on good conservation practices for cultural artefacts
  3. trigger intelligent alarms when environmental conditions threaten the condition of the artefact in the short/medium/long term;
  4. suggest and share concrete actions to promote the preventive conservation of artefacts or collections.
  • A support and consultancy service to help small and medium-sized museums to control their environmental parameters.

The system can be adapted to any sensor. Thus it is possible to use existing sensors but it is also possible to propose other more specific and innovative sensors developed within the framework of SensMat in order to complete the tools already in place and thus to increase the control of the follow-up of the collections exhibited in museums.


The SensMat project has made it possible for us to bring the various technological bricks (hardware and software) to a TRL 6-7, and we are now looking for new sources of funding and support to complete the development of the innovation, i.e. to finalise the system as well as the business model for the commercialisation of all the services.

Stephan Fassbinder
Stephan Fassbinder Chefredakteur und schreibt für SensMat

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Marcel Koehler
Marcel Koehler Chefredakteur bei SensMat

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